
Reviews 255
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 63
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 100
Album Edits 330

Album Ratings 1345
Objectivity 64%

Last Active 04-27-20 3:31 pm
Joined 07-15-15

Review Comments 5,230

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  • VlacDrac You are doing a great job. Several of those albums needed reviews, making them visible for the rest of the userbase while people who didn't know them such as myself, becoming aware in the process.
    March 8 03:02 AM
  • VlacDrac Damn, I've never realized most of the Prog Rock reviews in this sitw were written by you. Amazing work and I will definitely check some of those bands out.
    March 6 07:57 PM
  • InfernalDeity Thank you! There's definitely a few in that list I haven't heard as of yet
    February 21 04:19 PM
  • InfernalDeity Hey, do you have any recommendations for atmospheric prog bands similar to camel?
    February 20 08:02 PM
  • Jethro42 Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, brother. And don't worry, I will visit your last reviews in time...
    December 22 08:28 PM
  • Casavir Stati sounds very lush too
    November 20 03:32 PM
  • Casavir Have you heard some of the more recent Premiata material? Stati di immaginazione was quite good for me on a recent revisit
    November 15 04:46 PM
  • Chippe Woaaa, a Pendragon review. Thanks for that. Just started to listen on the cd, first time in a while. Will read your review after and send a comment. Though Pure is my first choice:)
    November 10 04:00 PM
  • TheNotrap E ele que resolve esses problemas ;)
    July 31 12:02 PM
  • TheNotrap Olha, fala com o Sowing sobre isso neste thread: https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?memberid=276983
    July 31 12:01 PM
  • TheNotrap Nao vejo o duplicado?parece-me tudo OK
    July 31 11:48 AM
  • TheNotrap Tudo bem? Ja se vai tratar disso
    July 31 10:14 AM
  • BitterJalapenoJr Genesis rankings are up on my discog challenge should you wish to critique my friend.
    July 8 11:43 AM
  • DistantDylann Thanks for the comment on my review! Also nice taste in music
    June 28 03:17 PM
  • Zig tranquilo. este ano tive dificuldade em ter uma escolha solida para este torneio, fiquei-me pelo do Palma, que e um optimo trabalho, porque tenho andado a ouvir a discografia ultimamente. no entanto, tinha uma mão cheia de outros albums. mas, sim, valeu a pena.
    June 7 04:22 PM
  • Jethro42 Hi e21, I need some advice. There is a candidate which is not prog (the one with Wham). It's more like Crosby Stills and Nash. I'd be tempted to choose another album. Is it a good idea at this point of the tourney? Or do I have to continue with that non prog...
    May 31 02:25 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Hubba hubba
    May 24 01:40 PM
  • bighubbabuddha balls
    May 23 10:00 AM
  • Jethro42 I'm not always good at matching up the candidates properly. The Spanish album or Buon Vecchio Charlie would fit better with yours. But hey, that's life!
    May 21 05:34 PM
  • Jethro42 It makes sense. Good point of view. But I persist to believe it could be legit to at least repeat from time to time the existence of the review in the thread. I for myself will comment on it into Prog epic Rd 2. It's not bad to announce a review practically dedicated to the tourney. But again, you have good points, that's for sure.
    May 17 05:26 PM
  • Jethro42 I feel Intruder is sad. He could have won that first tourney. About your Maledetti review, what about sending each a word in the shoutbox, such as ''I wrote a Maledetti review, I invite you to read. Be my guest'' That way, everyone could have the message for reading your review.
    May 17 04:22 PM
  • TheIntruder No problem. Like you said it is life and the VHB album is fine and feets well as winner. Now it is time of yours. Cheers too and better luck to you.
    May 17 03:40 PM
  • Jethro42 You're not forced to vote, bro, in particular when you're undecided. If you choose not to decide,you still have made a choice (Freewill, Rush). I must confess that I like to read your vote all the time with your savant analysis and judicious choice. I feel you're very emotional about this. You don't have to. I think you made a judicious choice in not voting (when you're not decided). I was often in the same position as you, but I finally vote the wrong way. It's not better. Thanks you confessed.
    May 17 02:51 PM
  • Jethro42 Reminder to voting for Prog epic rd 1. Tomorrow is the last day.
    May 16 05:34 PM
  • Zig bom torneiro, amigo. mais um ano mais prog :) devo dizer que a tua escolha faz parte de uma banda incrivel. para mim, um dos favoritos a ganhar. forte abraco
    May 11 01:02 PM
  • Jethro42 Thank you for your kind words, e21. I edited my last comment on Epic prog rd1
    May 10 01:56 PM
  • Jethro42 Hi e21. We're in a prog preliminaries. Check out my last list, if you will.
    May 6 05:06 PM
  • BitterJalapenoJr Good evening. Finally got around to completing the Gentle Giant discog - fancy giving me your thoughts on my order...Number 14 on this list: https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=201640
    February 26 08:56 PM
  • Zig amigo, tens feito um optimo trabalho a escrever sobre hidden gems do nosso prog. recomendo-te a ouvir Quella Vecchia Locanda, um prog italiano com influencias da musica classica. creio que iras apreciar. eles tem apenas dois LPs, mas ambos sao de grande qualidade. vale muito a pena. abraco.
    September 28 08:23 AM
  • Divaman Thank you my friend.
    September 20 04:49 PM
  • Divaman Thanks e. I?m in a rehab facilities pity now.
    September 19 04:41 PM
  • Jethro42 Ok e21, good vacations, have fun. Take care and see you when you get back.
    September 2 05:38 PM
  • Jethro42 Hey e21, my buddy. I'm on my way to complete a list about modern-era prog. Feel free to visit. All Traps on Earth fits in, but I haven't add it yet, because my rating limit was 30 at first. I decided to put it at 50. So be patient! https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=200641
    September 1 06:01 PM
  • Jethro42 ''Congratulations to the winners and honor to the losers. Let's go to the final of another great tourney my friends, these time with the courtesy of our host and friend Jethro, the right substitute of the our also great friend Friday.''Once again, you have words that are touching!
    May 14 04:10 PM
  • Zig pelos visto, chegou a final. vamos ver quem lhe fara companhia
    May 12 08:29 AM
  • Zig hey, conheces a banda Quella Vecchia Locanda? com apenas dois discos tem ratings muito bons. tenho ouvido. muito bom! vale a pena.
    May 10 11:00 AM
  • Jethro42 It should be fun, there are solid opponents in there. Thank's anyway!
    May 6 10:57 PM
  • Jethro42 As I wrote to the thread, your collaboration is much appreciated. You were not obligated to do so. Rest assured, I double check everything on my sheet. Good rest of tourney, my friend.
    May 6 06:09 PM
  • Zig https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/84691/Xarhanga-Bota-Fora/
    April 16 11:15 AM
  • Jethro42 Hey dude, look at the last comment of Mythodea, in the M3.
    March 11 03:11 PM
  • Jethro42 Welcome back e21, mate. Your vacation was all right? We are already in the meddle of the second round here. Take your time, you could enter only in the third round, it's according to your will. See you there!
    March 2 06:54 PM
  • Jethro42 No problem, my friend. Consider it done. Good trip, take care.
    February 19 12:24 AM
  • Jethro42 Hi e21, I hope you're doing ok. Can you tell me again when you will be out, so I'll choose your entry in time for you. Thanks bro.
    February 18 09:31 PM
  • Zig conheces isto? https://youtu.be/mIOE7Q2RO0Q
    January 5 04:00 PM
  • Divaman The new Jethro Tull album has been scheduled for release on January 22.
    November 24 12:04 AM
  • Zig como andas a escrever sobre non-english prog , recomendo o album "Apoteosi" dos Apoteosi. prog italiano com voz feminina e com uns keyboards e sopros interessantes com influencias folk. de resto, espero que seja uma boa audicao, talvez com review pelo caminho ;)abraco, amigo! bom fim de semana!
    November 20 12:25 PM
  • Jethro42 The statement of Friday ''We can never have too much Zeuhl on the front page of Sput!'' is a positive one. He means that Zeuhl is a music style that is welcome on the front page of Sput.
    November 11 03:25 PM
  • Divaman Any chance you'll review the new Yes album?
    November 10 06:18 AM
  • Divaman It took a little while to grow on me, but I'm really enjoying the new Mostly Autumn album. I really love Bryan Josh's classic, Gilmoresh guitar style, and while I know not everyone agrees, I enjoy Olivia Sparnen's vocals as well.
    November 6 09:15 PM
  • Jethro42 Hey dude, do you give up doing reviews?
    November 1 02:23 PM
  • Jethro42 Good vacation, bro. have fun (if I'm not late)!! See you at your return, you're gonna have a surprise from Friday13th. Come back soon lol.
    August 14 06:19 PM
  • Jethro42 Hey it's all right, buddy, always friends we are. Mistakes are from human nature...You're all forgiven. Both of these votes were confusing, I must confess. It could have been happening to everyone. Peace, man!
    August 13 02:46 PM
  • Divaman Hi e. Yes, thanks, I got an email about that yesterday, although apparently the double album version is a very limited edition. But they're going to release a wider release single album version in September.
    August 10 01:54 PM
  • Zig amigo, tenho um desafio para te fazer. acho que seria interessantissimo fazeres uma serie de reviews de perolas do prog nacional, como Filarmonica Fraude, Banda do Casaco, Carlos Alberto Vidal, Petrus Castrus, etc. fica a dica ;) abraco.
    August 4 03:16 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Cheirinho a Tropicalia, prog KC-Magma, Sludge experimental. Supercool.
    July 29 10:24 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD boas! olha, nao quero ser chato XD, mas da uma vista de olhos nisto, pode ser que te interesse - https://www.sputnikmusic.com/bands/Papangu/139142/
    July 29 09:40 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD pois eu estava demasiado no mood do Red e queria mais. Hoje em dia, ainda considero o som do Red mais atual eqt do Discipline, percebendo que era moderno para a epoca, mais proprio da seu tempo (ou do tempo que estaria para vir) menos intemporal, digamos. Mas pah yah...as guitarras sao mesmo impressionantes! para ir apreciando sem pressao...
    July 16 04:18 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD man, ja estou a curtir mais do Discipline!
    July 16 11:33 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD na boa na boa. Se passares por eles, ja andam ha muito por ai, mas eu chequei estes dois ultimos e sao muito bons (sendo que o ultimo e deste ano). Prog Noruegues muito bom.
    July 12 01:38 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ja ouviste Motorpsycho? (cm ja percebi que conheces ainda muito mais que as rates nunca sei XD)
    July 12 11:45 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD WOW! grande e! Eu sou de 83, por isso apanhei a febre grunge e o alt rock. Os meus gostos principais hoje em dia sao o metal(extremo normalmente) e prog rock. E gracas ao sput comecei a ouvir tudo e mais alguma coisa, e principalmente o melhor ahah.
    July 12 11:15 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD yaya afagaram a tromba do elefante e chuparam o rabo do peixe XD XD. E um bocado disjointed de facto mas decidamente interessante. Nada de rock aqui no entanto. Nao deixei de notar a conversa ai do prog metal e o prog - e os Opeth sao um exemplo interessante pois os ultimos 4 albums deles nao sao metal. Tornaram se uma banda de worship a Jethro e KC etc...da um shot ao ultimo.
    July 12 10:28 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahah banda do casaco e totalmente assado!
    July 12 10:16 AM
  • Jethro42 Yes I agree the young generations consider Dream Theater, Opeth, Fates Warning and company as prog rock. Fortunately, my son considers them prog metal. He doesn't bother about classic or modern prog. He recently tried to initiate me to King Gizzard And The Lizard, and I said to him ''I'm sorry, but it's some music that sounds too easy-made.'' I promised him to try them again. He is an assumed metalhead. He was educated by his stepfather. I wish he was more proghead. Maybe one day, with my help.
    July 6 11:12 PM
  • Jethro42 Strawbs are so enticing, I cannot understand the difficulty to like them. They are so easy to love. The only thing I see is their music doesn't age so well, and because of it, only the old school proghead can digest them the best.
    July 6 06:32 PM
  • Jethro42 I'm really surprised about the score up to now. I was sure it would be tight. I think sputnik would need a Strawbs education.
    July 5 05:06 PM
  • Jethro42 Hey dude, are you in vacation? You don't post anymore, and it's our round. I hope everything is fine with you. I'm listening to All Traps On Earth, and I could see me bumping it to a 4/5 at a maximum. Will listen to it couple of times, to see.
    July 4 05:21 PM
  • Jethro42 Yeah it's a funny parallel, dude. I was determined to choose The Tea Club, but I wasn't familiar with it in time. It's another modern prog with classic era prog tinge, still more than my current entry. A Drop Of Light is an album that is hard to tame. It's true that they pretty sound like Anglagard, but maybe lifeless a bit, like it has no emotions on it. Anyway, I have to revisit that album.
    June 30 06:10 PM
  • Jethro42 Yes I saw it coming from far away. I'm starting doubting about my entry, but I'm glad it's finally my turn. Since the debut I ask myself if I made a good choice. I'm about to know it. My second choice would have been The Tea Club - Quickly Quickly Quickly. Good luck for the rest, mon ami.
    June 29 04:31 PM
  • Jethro42 Chances are high that we'll meet us as opponents, since our entries are quite similar. I really like Antiques and Curios. Get prepared for a ferocious battle my friend. Seriously, I go ahead with fear. Have fun for the rest of the tournament!
    June 22 08:30 PM
  • Jethro42 Man, I was to vote for Pendragon, and I found Syzyky to be more of my style. I don't like every songs equally, but I really dig its Echolyn/Kansas vibes. For Pendragon I really like the opener, the closer, ''Eternal Light''. and ''Who Really Are We''. I feel there are fillers in between these. So it's no more for Pendragon. My feelings are for Syzygy now.
    June 5 10:02 PM
  • Jethro42 I really like that Pendragon - Love Over Fear album. Is it their trademark sound?
    June 5 04:48 PM
  • Jethro42 e21, if you get time in your hands, I invite you to try The Tea Club - Quickly Quickly Quickly. It's modern stuff from the USA. There is a Mars Volta vibe, but a bit less weird or psychedelic. It's really a grower and ends up being a classic for me.
    June 1 05:55 PM
  • Jethro42 I was to name you Gargamel, dude. That is an obvious reference. To a lesser extent, I thought about Ring Van Mobius too. Both were included to my last lists. Cheers!
    May 28 04:12 PM
  • Zig Amigo, I hope you get to review more PT prog here, like Petrus Castrus, Banda do Casaco, Filarmonica Fraude, etc. Will be a pleasure reading those! Abraco
    May 20 09:45 AM
  • Divaman You're welcome.
    May 15 10:17 PM
  • Divaman Hi e. Friday's prog tournament is now taking entries, and it's filling up fast. https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=196325
    May 15 09:52 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello my friend. Have you remarked I've made a brand new list based on prog. You'll find a surprise on it. I don't have much visit, so you're very welcome!
    April 9 08:51 PM
  • Jethro42 Hi, e21, don't take it personal with my remark on your Sammal thread. I've heard about that idea more than once on the site. You can let your review as it is, but I think you better talk about the album, the way it builts, the structures, the strenghts, the weaknesses and all the stuff you're used to write about. Keep up the good work.
    March 16 06:12 PM
  • Zig I'm leaving this site for good. It's been nice to read your reviews, hope you get to be contributor on this site. Adeus, amigo.
    November 23 02:27 PM
  • OmairSh New Fates Warning album's out https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/82357/Fates-Warning-Long-Day-Good-Night/
    November 7 04:03 AM
  • Jethro42 Hi e21 bro. Since a while, I've lost interest in the site. As you know, most of my prog fellas have given a quit since a while, and the new generations are more driven to metal, hard core and indie stuff. You're the only -principal- one who holds a torch for our lovely prog. You're the only one left that is so prolific to the site, and it's hard for me to not participating on your prog reviews. One day i'll be there to encourage you, my friend. It's a shared pleasure to talk to you. Cheers!
    September 23 04:57 PM
  • OmairSh If you have a list I'd add this first :-) https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/81310/Mekaal-Hasan-Band-Andholan-Special-Edition/
    June 1 03:24 PM
  • OmairSh Hey man, hope all is well at your end during these crazy times! I know you're open minded musically so I thought I'd share a Pakistani Rock/Prog Rock album that you miiight just like. There are some links in the review and my first comment if you're interested :-) https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/81491/Qayaas-Uss-Paar/
    May 30 02:26 PM
  • farrockbulsara Olá e210013. Quero entrar em contacto contigo e só consegui por aqui.Tenho um site e gostava aprofundar essa questão. Contacta-me para este mail mal possas, por favor: "farrock_bulsara@hotmail.com"
    May 20 03:11 PM
  • AtomicWaste Updated and fixed a lot of other country disambiguation tags there, thanks!
    April 27 07:32 PM
  • Sabrutin Absolutely. Wish you the best!
    March 18 05:35 PM
  • Sabrutin Same for you, I hope everything goes well. I'm sorry for your trip, but we must cooperate. It's a shame but it seems I may miss Pat Metheny yet again haha (he is/was set to play in Milan in May).
    March 18 02:32 PM
  • Zig Obrigado pela partilha, talvez seja um artista prog a ser explorado ;)
    March 13 09:41 PM
  • Zig Amigo, sendo tu o grande embaixador do prog aqui, acho estranho nao teres ratings em albums do Zappa. Sei que o Jethro nao gosta muito por causa da sua excentricidade, mas gostava de saber a tua opiniao acerca da musica do FZ.
    March 11 12:38 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD yah desde que os comecei a ouvir que me comecei a perceber disso!! Incrivel...so queria que tivessem mais albums focados como o Red...as vezes parece que estao so a encher com musicas de improviso, faz parte da cena e vale sempre a pena, mas percebe-se pq nao tiveram a projecao de outras bandas na altura.
    January 9 04:40 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Se nao ouviste, decididamente recomendo-te a banda, mas esse Frances The Mute e excelente para perceberes esta onda.
    January 9 11:37 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD obrigadao pela rev ao Islands man! epah que curioso...ontem meti a noite o tal vinil do Frances the Mute, dos The Mars Volta e caneco, bue vibes deste Islands...os jams longos e aquele som das guitarras meio acusticas, a onda space, o jazzrock...os the Mars Volta acrescentam a parte latina no ID deles...mas agora percebo que se inspiraram muito em KC sem duvida...ate a partir as musicas em varias partes e misturar com singles pelo meio.
    January 9 11:36 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahaha boa boa!!! Por acaso acabei de ver o pop up nas msgs. Vamos la King Crimson. Feliz 2020. Vou ler e aproveitar para ouvir o album!
    January 7 10:03 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD "Tu, eu, o Notrap e o Zig." Ja interagi tambem com Shuyin e Asura14. Bons rapazes tambem.
    December 17 01:42 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Boa man! ainda so ouvi 4 deles - Red, Discipline, Poseidon e Court. Vai ser uma bela oportunidade para correr a discog. Se te lembrares manda shout! vou tentar estar atento. Hug!
    December 17 01:41 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Boa rev! Pode ser que um dia escreva assim...Mandei me este ano aos KC, que chegaram as apps ahah incrivel banda!
    December 17 12:32 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahah Tuga! Fixe!
    December 17 12:18 PM
  • AtomicWaste Resolved, thanks. Future requests like this can be added here: https://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=647260
    November 22 04:25 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello e21, bro. If ever you get time, listen to this album. Creative, energetic and warm. I'm 100% sure you will appreciate it. To me, it sounds a bit like Dogma in places, but they go further than that. They're rather unique. Enjoy!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Ivyi__s24
    November 16 07:35 PM
  • Divaman Hi e. Hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you have any interest in contributing a track for November's Song of the Day list? (https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=189442). This month's theme is "gifts". We're looking for people to contribute a song that they like that they first learned about thanks to someone here on Sputnik.
    November 12 03:19 PM
  • KingQueenKnave Whatever.
    August 8 10:14 PM
  • Friday13th Good pick! Have fun on your trip.
    May 7 12:53 PM
  • Friday13th Hey e21, I can't do Space Shanty because we already had it in one of the earlier tournaments. You can't find my older lists on my profile but if you're not sure if an album has been done, look through the user list sidebar on the left of the artist profile.
    May 6 04:08 PM
  • Divaman Good news e. Friday will be starting a new prog contest this coming Wednesday.
    May 6 06:00 AM
  • TheNotrap Hahah nao fazia a minima ideia, estamos por todo o lado...o melhor pais do mundo tem de marcar presenca no melhor site. Vamos falando, abraco
    April 16 08:42 AM
  • Jethro42 Yes I know you know, but I only see solutions coming in front of me. News are good. I see a physiotherapist, and he has more than a rabbit into his hat, so it's positive. I have a lot of my problems from my back. he said to me that he will correct it for sure. I have a nerve that is stuck and it gives numb to my leg. It's really embarassing, but the therapist said it's gonna be fixed. Of course the muscular dystrophia and arthritis will remain, but all the rest can be resolved.
    April 2 11:02 PM
  • Divaman Thanks for the info, e. It's funny, because 30s or 40s is about where I pictured both you and Jethro as well. I guess that music keeps a person young-minded.
    April 2 02:57 AM
  • Jethro42 Try this link instead, sorry; https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=186597
    April 2 12:33 AM
  • Jethro42 Hi sir. I see that Divaman approached you regarding your respective ages. So apparently we have the vercict; Divaman might be the Sputnik senior. In my concern, it's the only one known by me that is 62 yo. It happened two times in the past that I met guys older than me, but they both left the site. One of them was 60 yo or something...And then, for a while, I was possibly the elder. If you want to take a look of the thread speaking of the ages, here it is; https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?
    April 2 12:29 AM
  • Divaman Hi e. OK, a question came up over the weekend. I hope this isn't an awkward question, but Jethro says you are very open about your age. Apologies if he's mistaken about that. I revealed to him this weekend that I am 62, and Jethro is now wondering whether you or I are (possibly) the senior member on Sputnik.
    April 1 09:45 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello my friend, just to say that I've edited my last two comments on Story Of I...Each time I realize I forgot to tell something, I add a sentence or two, and it happens frequently, so don't be hurry to read my comments ;)
    March 22 06:48 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello my friend, speaking of Il Bacio, it seems they've released a new LP available on youtube. I've just added it to the database. i'm just starting my listening. Sounds promising!...Enjoy!
    October 20 04:20 PM
  • Jethro42 My bad, man. I was confused between Biglietto Per l'Inferno and Il Bacio Della Medusa, so forget about what i wrote to you before. Long live Il Bacio!
    October 12 02:42 AM
  • Jethro42 Hey e21, mate, do you know that your tourney's album Biglietti Per l'Inferno had disappeared from here, from youtube, from ProgArchives and from Rate Your Music. From everywhere, i'm sure. I wonder why...That's a cheap shot. R.I.P. the album. I'm listening to Alphataurus - Alphataurus instead. Its second song sounds so much like some great Jethro Tull. very good album. Good w-e dude.
    October 11 10:49 PM
  • Jethro42 Well it's been a long time between your last apparition in the tourney and the day I decided to write to you with a bit of anxiety lol. I think all your sputmates would have done the same as I did eventually, given that you said you would be there to celebrate the winner. For Camel, that's awesome man! You surely did see their expression in their eyes and bodies. Good moments to share with your son. I'm glad for you!
    September 11 12:07 AM
  • Jethro42 Hello, mate. Good to have news from you. Your silence worried me a bit. The Moonmadness show must have been impressive and memorable. Cool that Latimer got somewhat recovered of his disease. And it's always fun to revisit the place where you lived the biggest part of your life.Nagrarok saw the same show in june. Is it the same setlist as yours? https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?memberid=276943
    September 10 06:16 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello e21, bro! Where have you been? I hope everything is ok, because you were saying you would be there for the finals of the tourney, and still no trace of you. Please leave me a message asap!...
    August 23 01:11 AM
  • Jethro42 Yeah it's running fast up there...Thanks to yell at me, bro, much appreciated! And good tourney!
    May 28 04:21 PM
  • bgillesp Haha, wow, quite a few. I will check some of them soon but probably not all because that would take a while
    May 28 03:59 PM
  • bgillesp I know PFM, who else from Italy should I check?
    May 28 02:37 PM
  • Zig Não tem problema, eu interpretei relativamente ao album em questão. Obrigado, amigo.
    April 20 01:48 PM
  • Jethro42 No worries bro, I still do mistakes in English myself and will always do. I advise you to tell Zig about it into his shoutbox to make him understand. Then you could edit your comment in The Henry Cow's Western Culture's thread.
    April 15 10:19 PM
  • Jethro42 You don't dig Henry Cow? It means you don't like it. Did you know?
    April 14 12:36 AM
  • Jethro42 Following you through the years was natural, with every amazing albums you covered since day one. I want to keep encouraging and support your work. That way, I help you to stay with us and continue your prog path like you say. Thanks for that Christmas gift! I listen to it non stop like a child hahaha. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year brother, for you and all the ones you love. Keep progging!!!
    December 18 09:06 PM
  • Jethro42 So you covered it...You make my day, bro! I love that album a lot. I wanted you to simply listen to the album and you come with an extra deal in writing a review for it. I will read and comment soon.
    December 18 05:35 PM
  • Divaman Hi e. Just thought I'd let you know, in case you're interested - there's a new live Yes album out from last year's Drama/Topographic Oceans tour.
    December 6 05:15 PM
  • Friday13th Hey e21, you ready to vote for the final?
    November 29 11:19 PM
  • Jethro42 Yeah, you're right my friend. I'm trying to live with my diseases, but it's not easy. I developed anxiety through it all, and it doesn't help to have the good attitude. So I'm gonna visit a psychologist soon. About your reviews, I'm looking forward to your next review. Thanks for your wishes and support, I really appreciate, my friend.
    November 17 06:01 PM
  • Jethro42 Thanks for showing that you care, buddy. The muscular dystrophia is hereditary in my family. My grand mother had it, my father and a brother of mine have it too now, but it's me who is more affected. I have arthritis too, and because of my diseases, I can't work anymore since 7 years. I have to go now. Feel free to ask me questions, dude. And don't worry, we all take a look to some other shoutbox :)
    November 16 05:52 PM
  • Jethro42 ''I'm a very stubborn person, and I do not know if you saw that'' .....Well, what I noticed is that you always defend your point of view very well, and it's all of your advantage. You never leave anything to the hazard, and you always do your best to make things clear between you and a person, and you're not afraid to do compromises when needed. You are first and foremost a true gentleman, and it's always a pleasure to speak to you.
    November 15 07:17 PM
  • Jethro42 Hi dude. Just a word to say that I secretly hope that your album is gonna reach the finalists level.I know how much deeply Quarteto counts for you, and all it represents in your country. Band tried to change the face of your country in time of oppression, and they acted like heroes, and put it musically to express a tranquil revolution in a grandiose, epic piece of work that brings hope and warmth. Album is like a grand, delightful song that conveys lots of emotion and courage. Cheers!
    November 14 09:58 PM
  • Jethro42 I think I've got it. It's written ''Open everything in a window of private navigation'', but I'm afraid to try it. I'm not a computer expert, and I don't want to have potential difficulties if I make a change. You know what I mean...If I click here and there, and I don't know how to restaure like it was before... And all that for a simple song...Thanks anyway, my friend.
    October 10 05:19 PM
  • Jethro42 ''If you open a new window without a registration on Google, as an unknown person''....I try to understand, I tried couple of things and it didn't work. I directly entered on bandcamp (without the link) and no results. It would surely work from another computer, but my family is not near from here. If you can explain your method in other words, try it. If you can't, I heard Bolero enough time so it's all fine. Thanks bro.
    October 10 03:54 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello, did you know that the first match is presented since yesterday? So you can listen to the first two albums already, if you want to vote on them. Anyway, you have until next friday (the 22nd)...Good listen, Ciao man!
    September 14 09:29 PM
  • Jethro42 Yes, it's really funny to participate, and it makes you discover 15 other prog albums. Users that don't participate on it can listen to the albums and vote themselves too, so it spreads the prog a little more. It's Friday13th's 4th tournament and I was there for all of them, and I was the winner in the last one ;) You made a good choice in Quarteto 1111. See you there and for once, you're not the only one who brings prog!
    September 12 04:34 PM
  • TwigTW Nice!
    September 12 03:37 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello sir. Just go to the link Twig and SirLord gave you. Read the first comment; Friday13th is giving the rules to follow. You just have to choose a prog album. It has to be obscure, unknown or overlooked, with 20 votes or under. It's a head to head kind of tournament. Just visit and see if you're not sure. Cheers, man!
    September 12 02:43 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=177103 you should participate. Maybe could nominate Quarteto 1111
    September 12 02:15 PM
  • TwigTW There is a new Sputnik prog tournament you might find interesting: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=177103
    September 12 01:40 PM
  • Jethro42 Hey bud! Friday13th is preparing another of his prog tourneys. Would you be interested to be a part of it? Please, apply here. http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=166576
    September 11 03:49 PM
  • Divaman Really liking the new Mostly Autumn album.
    July 28 05:32 AM
  • Divaman Yeah, I wasn't sure if the site would let me or not, it's been so temperamental lately. Haven't listened to it yet, but I just got the CD the other day.
    June 26 04:06 AM
  • Divaman Are you the one who suggested I listen to the band Mostly Autumn? If you are, you should know they have a new album out. I'll add it to the site's data base when I get the chance.
    June 24 04:30 AM
  • LibGyps Hey man. I enjoy reading your reviews. You have very good taste in music that is diverse. As someone that is also an avid prog rock lover, I was wondering if you've ever heard of the band: The Dear Hunter. They're truly an exceptional band with a genius as the frontman and I believe that you will fall in love with them, just as I have. I suggest starting with their album Act IV or The Color Spectrum. Happy listening.
    June 5 05:31 AM
  • Divaman I did now, thanks. Kudos go out to our friend Titan, who made me aware of this album and requested I review it.
    May 24 03:50 AM
  • Divaman You're welcome. I was listening to it again yesterday, and I thought of you and Jethro.
    March 16 11:53 AM
  • Divaman I have an album you might enjoy, "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" by Nightwish. They have it characterized here as symphonic metal, but to me it's closer to progressive rock with some Celtic folk elements.
    March 15 06:22 PM
  • TwigTW I have to check out that EP myself.
    January 13 07:35 PM
  • TwigTW Pandora Snail have a new live album. It sounds pretty good. If you haven't heard it yet: https://pandorasnail.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-babooinumfest
    January 11 12:14 AM
  • TheIntruder Thanks man. The same to you. Till next year with your reviews.
    December 24 05:26 PM
  • Jethro42 Keep the lenghty reviews coming, it makes more to like hahaha... A very Merry Christmas, buddy!
    December 23 10:55 PM
  • Jethro42 Anyway, to become good in a foreign language, we need to practice, and Sputnik is a good place to do so ;)
    December 23 06:51 PM
  • Jethro42 It's normal to forget about a foreign language if you don't practice it. It's still great if you can always read and write French. Here in Quebec, we are totally surrounded by English speakers, so our first foreign language has always been English which is the universal language nowadays. According to what I've seen in college, Spanish and German are following English in importance (for those who were studying in ''Literature and Languages'').
    December 23 06:49 PM
  • Jethro42 Thank you my friend. Written in a perfect French, really. Do you speak French or you used a translator? Let me try with the help of a translator...Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo para você e sua família. Muitas felicidades. Saúde, Paz e Amor!
    December 23 05:27 PM
  • Divaman I understand now, thanks.
    November 29 03:35 AM
  • Divaman Oh, you and I aren't going to be far off on Aqualung after all. You have it rated 5 and I have it rated 4-1/2.
    November 28 06:32 PM
  • Jethro42 Bro, I have to tell you about a misunderstanding you had; In one of the last comments of your review, Roy is saying to you '' This album has only slightly grown off me over time...'', which means that he lost interest for the album. I thought it was a good idea to tell you about it. Since English is not our first language, that kind of thing can happen anytime. Have a good day, buddy!
    October 11 06:36 PM
  • Zig Desculpa, só responder agora; mas claro que participarei. Tenho de te aplaudir pelas quatro reviews ao Cid, tudo muito bom. Mais uma vez, obrigado pela consideração, amigo.
    September 10 09:43 AM
  • TwigTW Looking forward to reading and listening over the weekend--thanks for the reminder!
    September 8 04:25 PM
  • Zig Obrigado pela consideração, tenho todo o prazer em fazer parte de tais reviews ;) Muito bom, o catálogo do Cid em prog rock é fenomenal, merece bem mais reconhecimento em Portugal e no mundo prog. Anyway, bom trabalho, amigo.
    August 31 12:59 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Glad you like it, I'll read your review. You might want to check a list I did a few days ago http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=168937
    August 29 06:56 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1nDWNcbWAQ Probably my favorite song by them. Lyrics, vocals, bass, piano and drums are all awesome
    August 12 12:56 AM
  • SCREAM! We were there from midday Friday to late afternoon Monday which allowed us to see the major sights and a bit of extra. Our hotel was outside the downtown area which was kind of cool since it was pretty cheap and allowed us to see parts of the city outside the tourist areas. If you have any other questions let me know and I'll answer if I can!
    May 8 07:26 PM
  • SCREAM! It's a beautiful city. I think I even liked it better than Amsterdam. There was quite a bit of tourists already though so I imagine it might be even worse in July. It's a great place to just walk around and take in the architecture. In old town I'd recommend climbing up the Old Town Hall tower to get a look at the city, make sure to check out the massive St Vitus cathedral and if you can save a bit of time for the Jewish district as well. (Some nice synagogues and shops).
    May 8 07:24 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Duuuuude, you still need to check Godspeed and Sigur Ros!!!
    April 22 04:34 AM
  • Jethro42 Here's the match 3 (M3). You can vote for one of these albums. After, you can take a look at the M4 that already begun (feel free to do so of course); http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?memberid=732569
    March 21 06:42 PM
  • Jethro42 oh, I feel sorry for your son and also for you...It shows that it destabilize a lot when we lose the using of a computer. I know what it is. Welcome back dude, I was hoping that everything were ok for you during your absence. As for the contest, you can join us and participate if you wish, even without choosing an album. However, you can listen to both current albums, and vote for one of them. Just follow the Friday13th' list if you're interested.
    March 21 06:35 PM
  • Jethro42 There is still one place left for the prog rock tourney. Come and join in! Please send me a message. Cheers!
    February 26 03:18 PM
  • blatho blatho.
    February 26 12:43 AM
  • Jethro42 Hey dude, I don't know if you're aware about that, but Friday13th is preparing an obscure prog rock contest. He's now ready for the preleminaries. You just have to choose an obscure prog album, and it will be compared in duality with some other albums. This will lead to a final head to head. It's really funny, if you wish to participate, it would be funny. Leave me an answer if you want. Cheers.
    February 25 07:10 PM
  • Frippertronics on it
    January 18 07:52 PM
  • Titan agreed.....all of my experience is with distribution.......started in the engineering department conducting load flow studies and drawing layouts.....then i went in to the control center to handle feeder processing.....what about you?
    December 28 01:11 AM
  • Titan Hey man, just like you, I've been with my electric utility for almost 15 years now
    December 26 12:53 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman The first two albums by Godspeed (and their EP Slow Riot) and the second and third albums by Sigur Ros are all essential
    November 18 06:41 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Well, Godspeed is probably my favorite band of the genre so if you haven't checked them I think you should, their first two albums however are not supposed to be listened without being focused, you need to sit and and focus solely on the album and let its sound to take you away. You should also check Sigur Ros, totally different from Godspeed, their sound is one of those that's like "Objectively" beautiful as hell.
    November 18 06:41 PM
  • GooGooGajoob Do you like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvwmFoql0lg
    November 18 12:08 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Do you like post-rock?
    November 17 10:45 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Oh no, I hadn't noticed
    October 26 04:04 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman I dunno if you can call them "obscure" though, they certainly aren't that radio friendly but they actually quite popular these days. An excellent mix of modern indie rock with jazzy moments
    October 17 06:10 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Have you checked The Reign of Kindo?
    October 16 05:59 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Check my new review, some hard rockin' prog, you might enjoy it
    October 12 06:37 PM
  • TwigTW You're welcome. Nice reviews--keep up the good work!
    October 8 04:45 PM
  • TheIntruder I'm new on Sputnik and I don't know yet the members here. So, the only thing I can do is to hear, rate and comment the album, when I can.
    October 6 03:37 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman You my want to check my last review, it is a funky album but pretty focused on a complex instrumentation
    October 6 03:04 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Do you like funk?
    October 5 10:24 PM
  • Jethro42 Sorry, but I prefer to let people come naturally to your review. After one spin, the music of Pandora Snail didn't convince me enough anyway, so it isn't worth the effort by my side. I can give you some usernames if you wish. It's the best I can do.
    October 5 07:21 PM
  • Jethro42 Hi dude, if you're interested, I made a Pain of Salvation list. My personal top 20. Cheers!
    October 1 10:30 PM
  • Jethro42 I have a little tip for you cos your reviews still don't have the visits you wish to have. First of all, don't give up, some other progheads will join us to your reviews. It's a question of time. People will recognize your name on the front page, and they soon will comment on your reviews. Secondly, try to do a list in the same time that you deliver a review, thus people are gonna be more in contact with your username, and they'll become familiar with it. It's just my two cents.
    September 22 10:37 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Hey dude, I just wrote a review for some obscure stuff, you might want to check it out!
    September 20 08:46 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman When you check Rising try to check the "L.A Mix" version, it has a way better production
    September 17 09:52 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Both are way heavier than the debut but at the same time proggier (specially Rising) both albums show how powerful was the Dio-Blackmore-Powell trident
    September 17 09:39 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman So that means you haven't checked Rising and Long Live Rock
    September 17 09:31 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Since you listed Deep Purple as one of your favorite bands, what are your toughts on Rainbow?
    September 17 09:18 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman hahaha yeah I understand what you're feeling, be sure to give them some time to click in though, since most people find their sound pretty "exotic" at first
    September 16 01:36 AM
  • MrSirLordGentleman I've checked some of the songs in the album and there are some pretty cool moments on it but it is one album that needs some time to fully appreciate in my opinion, so I'm waiting to have more free time so I can check it better, but I will don't worry, I really enjoyed what I checked!. btw have you checked Los Jaivas yet?
    September 15 11:30 PM
  • TheIntruder I had heard of Discipline and particularly of this album. After reading what you wrote about them, on your review about the live album of ELP, I became even more interested. Soon I will check them.
    September 3 09:50 AM
  • Jethro42 I see you rated Discipline. I only know the song ''Canto IV'' by them. Apparently it's the standout of the album... and it seems , according to your rating, that it's great from start to finish...
    September 3 12:45 AM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Los Jaivas is probably the most popular prog band in latin america and in the spanish language, they're known for their mix of prog with andean instruments, you should check them I've reviewed a couple of their albums if you're interested, if you like them you should check Congreso too. On Argentina there's Almendra and Pescado Rabioso, both with a strong proggy influence. You should focus on those two countries since they were the pioneers in latin prog
    September 2 11:29 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Nice!, the only portuguese album I've check is 10000 anos depois and I loved it. You should check some latin-american prog bands too
    September 2 10:56 PM

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